Thank you for your interest in trying to upload your content on this platform. But before you start uploading on this platform we have a profile verification protocol, which is mandatory to all the users on this platform. To make you understand this profile verification protocol you need to read through this document.
1) Our users are required to verify their personal information
- To make sure that the content uploader is authorised to upload or sell the uploaded content on this platform
- To prevent copyright violations
- To prevent fake accounts creation on this plaform
2) The information we need for profile verification and why
- State issued ID/NRC document, for making sure that the information used upon registration matches that used upon registration
- Selfie photo, for checking if the photo matches that on the uploaded ID/NRC document
- Professional/Store name, this is the information used when receiving payments on this platform
- Contact numbers and business email, for contacting if further information is required or if some terms are violated. Business email is used for getting in touch with the seller if the customer requests more information about the seller or if there is a dispute of copyright.
Please note that you are sorely responsible to the content that you share on this platform
To learn more about how we handle your private information please read our privacy policy.
Updated: Oct. 22, 2021, 5:05 p.m.